Sony HAP-Z1ES Hi-Res Music Player RMAF 2013

Did anyone get a chance to hear this digital player. Seems similar to the Bryston BDP-2. I am very interested in how the upsampled DSD sounded.
All the Marantz needs is an external NAS connected to a router which also connects to the Marantz. All ethernet connections. Use an Ipad with PlugPlayer app for Ipad, rip your music to the network connected Nas using a computer connected to the ethernet and you are good to go. Once you have ripped your cd's, the computer is out of the picture. So, if you have a computer, an Ipad, $150 NAS, $5 app, and 2 ethernet cables are all you need. It is really quite simple.
"It is windows based, constantly is updating the OS and is hampered by all the regular windows problems"

May I ask what issue you are having other than the updates? I have a Windows 8.1 system in my office running on SSD's and it runs flawlessly. I shut it down every night and it boots up in about 10-15 seconds. I do not put it to sleep.

It is not a very powerful machine nor is it very quiet but JRiver 18 works every time without a hitch.
Yeah, I hear you guys. Unfortunately I have all that stuff. PC with a 1TB drive, 10TB media NAS as a backup, Jriver etc. it all sucks and is a PITA. Thanks for clarifying my JRiver is software, all this time I thought that was my PC. With that being said my sound is beyond reproach, it just sucks looking at a JRiver ad every time I boot up bc they have new releases seems like every month. I hate having to buy playback software every time they upgrade. A NAS is still hamstrung by maintenance and troubleshooting, not the panacea some say. ASIO drivers, exotic sound cards, custom digital DIN to XLR connectors, and on and on. Not to mention windows updates, reboots, warnings etc.

Just looking forward to the future where I am not hamstrung by all this crap. The Sony seems like a step in the right direction. The marantz does not. Sorry, just my opinion.

In my previous post I outlined my connections with my Marantz. I neglected to say that the router that I use is not normally connected to the internet. The only time that I connect it is when ripping new music. Thus, it is a closed and isolated LAN. I use the Plug Player $5 app. I have no maintenance and no ads just music. I have another NAS that I keep off site that is a copy of the one I use. It is a very simple system with minimal hardware and software. No muss no fuss.
Just checked Sony's website. Regarding the HAP-Z1ES which was supposed to be available starting Jan 2, the Sony site no longer claims "In stock" as it did for the first few days of January. It now reads "In stock estimated ship date 02-27-2014." How's that for an oxymoron?

I guess the good news is that at least we now know that it's not just the government that screws up product launches. Private enterprise is perfectly capable of its own miscalculations.