Speakers Distance from Wall

Looking for floor standing speaker recommendations. Due to the room constraints (fireplace in left corner, patio door in right corner), speakers will be placed appx 4 feet from each side wall and the rear wall, and will have 9 feet between them (though they could be brought closer to each other if it improved the sound. So - what speakers can you recommend that do not need to be situated closer than 4 feet to the side and rear wall? I currently use Adcom equipment -- 5500 Amp; GFP 750 Pre Amp. This is two speaker set up, not surround. I can go up to 3k and am comfortable buying used from reputable source. Thanks in advance for your thoughts on the subject.
Sounds a lot like my room, a study in compromises.

I used to have a pair of Mirage M7si speakers. Liked them well enough, but then fell into a pair of legacy Magnepan 2.2/R, then upgraded those to Magnepan 3.7, which I'm running now.

Both of the Maggies are more than 4' from the side walls; about 4' to the back wall (I brought them as forward as my room allows.) About 8' between them. As can be typical with Maggies, the listening position is rather narrow, so putting the tweeters on the outside helps to widen the stage a bit.
@Rhanson739 -- good to know, thanks for the recommendation. Do you think my 200W per channel Adcom is sufficient for the 3.7s. Do you run a sub with yours?
When Philtangerine first posted, I immediately thought of Maggie 3.7s plus a sub or two, but it was above his stated budget. 1.7s plus subs would fit the budget, but w/o knowing his listening preferences, wasn't sure if they'd be big enough.

I listen to 1.7s plus subs in a 15x18 LR with 15' vaulted ceiling and the whole thing projects out onto a near wall-less open architecture. It fills the space just fine, even for big band or large scale orchestra, but I don't listen to much head-bangin' rock.

To answer the question, a 200 wpc Adcom should do fine with the 3.7s. Maggie's new x.7s series seems to be more amp-friendly than the older models.

And of course Maggies thrive with lots of space around them. I sure love mine.
WIth a 20-30Khz response and a friendly $2500/pr price tag, perhaps you should consider the Tekton Design Pendragon or the smaller--but still substantial-- SEAS Pendragon.

Reviews here.