Calling all Horn lovers

What is it that love about this type of speaker? Why would you recommend them?
What do you like the most and the least about your horns? Thanks in advance for any and all responses.
IME one of the most important set up requirements for horns is the distance between the horns and the listener. Much more critical, to my ears, than with any other speaker types. I am not saying this is not critical with all other types of speakers, as it is, along with all other set up requirements. To these ears, anyway. MrD.
Mr. Decibel, after they listen from 12 feet away from my horns I have visitors listen from 4 feet away. They marvel at the pinpoint imaging at 4 feet, the immediacy of the sound, the coherence, and the lack of harshness, brightness, or any of the things most folks would expect to hear.

I know studio guys who have done this with Tannoys for years.

So, for really well done horns, I disagree with your statement. Some of my horn speakers are better at listening position flexibility, especially going very close (ridiculously close relative to the size of the speakers) than any of my dynamic (cone) speakers.
dc10audio only makes horn loudspeakers none of which are compression drivers.

Disclaimer: I work with dc10audio
Kiddman, I am happy for you. Just expressing my experiences. I would not expect on Audiogon the lack of disagreements. Enjoy ! Mr.D