Parasound A21 vs Bryston 4bsst 2

I'm looking for any information regarding the Parasound A21 vs the Bryston 4bsst 2. The amp will be used to drive a pair of Aerial 7Ts. It's not about what's better, but what one represents the better value, considering the cost difference. In other words, for those who say get the Bryston, is it twice as good as the Parasound? My room is 20' x 26', I listen to contemporary Jazz, and my priorities are soundstaging, imaging(front to back placement), and as close to neutral as possible without brightness. Thanks in advanced for your opinions.
Congrats on the Parasound - they make great sounding gear. I love Bryston, but for the money (unless you really want that warranty) they're going to sound exactly the same. Level match them within half a dB and they'll be indistinguishable

Is that the way you feel about all amps, or? :D
I'd recommend against a preamp with an integrated DAC. While I understand the convenience factor, digital technology is advancing at a blinding rate. It's the one area of my system that I expect to be obsolete quicker than any other. Being tied to an outdated DAC because it resides in my preamp is not something I'm interested in. Yes, you can always add a outboard DAC down the road, but then you spent money on a feature you are no longer using.

I agree. I was interested in an integrated DAC, but now realize that by the time I buy the preamp with the DAC, the internal DAC will be significantly outdated.
Let me see if I got this right; the Parasound is flat out better than the Bryston, and the Bryston is only good for the warranty but not sound quality?
I am not sure if linking another web page is welcome overhere, in terms of a-gon forum policy... If not, I apologize. If so, I would recommend this page:

According to Mickey Fremer's opinion, the Parasound top monoblocs Halo JC-1 (400W) pretty clearly outperformed similarly priced Bryston 7BSST monos (600W). The next step-down in both brand lines are exactly the Halo A21 and 4BSST respectively... so, a possible outcome of similar comparison may be easily predictable, at least for ears similar to mr Fremer ones...

I would not vote, of course, since I have never heard any Bryston in my system. But as a former owner of the A21 I can say this amp is one of my most inspiring experience and true entrance-gate in (so-called) hi-end, for minor money. This particular piece of Halo A-21 ended at my friend's place, making him happy last 5 years or so.

I have extensive experience with the A21's bigger brother, the highly reputable Halo JC-1 monoblocs, comparing them many times to Krell-Evo-400 and Evo-400e monos. I can say Halos have not any reason to be ashamed in all those showdown parties with double-priced Krells. Actually, the outcome had turned vice versa sometimes, depending of preamp, speakers, music etc. In terms of final verdict, I would say Krells emerged as a bit more audiophilic, more neutral, sober amps, while Parasound Halos appeared mesmerizing with euphonia, sweet sustain-prone highs and delicious, meaty midband.

As far I could recall the sonic nature of smaller Halo A21, this is the very same type of sound. Warmest recommendation.
Well... linked page above emerged apparently unusable, so I would pinpoint the link verbally, towards the review of the Bryston 7BSST monoblocs in Stereophile (January 2010), page 5, comparison with Halo JC-1s.