New KT150 tubes?

Has anyone any experience with these pretty new tubes. There are already one or 2 amps I know of, that use them. The review of one of these amps in a UK magazine suggested they were a little warmer and more natural sounding than the nearly new KT120's

The article also suggested they were a straight swap for KT120 based amps, with no adjustment necessary. They are more than twice the cost of KT120's, but still not too costly compared with NOS tubes. I know changing from KT88's or 90's to 120's. did require some amp modification. I have an ARC reference 75 and might want to try the new tubes at some point, ARC don't seem to have a customer E-mail service, to ask the question
Agreed David. Take a look at the ARC web site and stare at the GS-150 and Ref 150 specs. The GS-150 specs identically to the Ref 150, but for a few extra watts of rated power ..., no doubt because the GS-150 uses KT-150 tubes.

If the GS-150 has different innards, ARC should say so. Bad marketing in my opinion. At this point, as a consumer, all I see is a retro'ish looking fascia and KT-150 tubes. If that's all there is, one would be crazy to part with the extra cash for this new entry to the ARC line-up.

In the 60s, we used to describe good looking so called muscle cars as "no-go showboats." Until I hear otherwise, that's what I think of the GS-150.

Really annoyed with ARC. My amp is close to a retube and I would like to drop in the KT-150s. All I want to hear from ARC is that the KT-150s will NOT damage my amp. I'll take my chances on sonics and tube life.
Hey Bif, don't sweat it. The post above from Tsushima1 states that he ordered KT150's from Upscale and put them in his REF150 with no apparent issues. All is good.

You can not order KT150's from ARC because Kalvin will ask what amp you want to put those in and if you say a REF150 he'll tell you that the amp will blow up and take the house with it. You know why? Imagine each owner of a REF75-150-250-750 calling into ARC for matched pairs/quads/octets of KT150's. If they commission the use of the KT150's in those amps they will likely be "stuck" with a BIG stash of KT120's that no one would want and to make matters worst, most of their older amp models won't "sport" the use of the KT120. I don't think that ARC want people to trade their REF150 for the new GS 150. They just want to keep their little precious KT150's for that new GS series.

Having said all that, you can now call Kevin and get a matched set of Octet for your REF150, put them in and enjoy the music!!!! If you wait for ARC's blessing on the 150's the KT200 will be out.
Smoffat, let me be clear. I am not interested in ARC's precious cache of KT-150s. I understand that ARC will charge $200 a tube. I have no intention of paying $1600 for 8 tubes ... period. Instead, I will probably buy 2 quads from Upscale Audio. Upscale is charging about half that.

I only want to know one thing and one thing only. Will the KT-150 damage or prematurely age the Ref 150? That is it.

Oh ... and as far as Tsushima is concerned, he is in no position to know the answer to my question. Just because the KT-150s presently "work" in his Ref 150 is not responsive to my question.

OTOH, if I learned that the innards of the GS-150 were identical to the Ref 150, then I could fairly infer that the KT-150 would do no harm.
Will the Ref 150 work with KT 150 tubes, probably yes, but is it optimized to be used with KT 150's, probably not. That is why they developed the GS 150.
Brf ... you touch on my very question. How does the GS-150 differ from the Ref 150, save the fascia and the tubes?

Not getting any definitive answer to my question. In the absence of any information to the contrary, all I can see is that the GS-150 and Ref 150 share identical specs ... on paper. I concede that published specs do not speak to whether other important components have changed ... but so far, no information in the public domain ... yet.