wilson watt puppy 7 question:


I was wondering how many puppy spacers people use with their wilson watt puppy 7's. I am using the maximum two puppy spacers because I have hardwood floors. Does anyone use no puppy spacers with the puppy paws (as recommended by Wilson?).


one other question....is it easy with the help of another person to simply lift the speaker and remove one of the two puppy spacers?

If its nothing more than tilt the speaker and unscrew it and take it off I can experiment easily and painlessly. I don't want to have to take off the whole puppy paw and reinsert...that is much more of a bother

Yes, I just went from 1 spacer to no spacer. The sound tighten up with more depth, and hi-frequency clarity. I do not hear any abnormalities with a midbass hump. Only positive gains for me. I have hesitated for a couple months doing this, worth it to try. For my setup: Krell AMP, watt/puupies 7's 130" apart, 60" from back wall, sitting position 144" away a definite improvement.
Wsill, I have couple questions on your speakers placement. 60" from back wall, is it measured from the woofer to the back wall or the back of the speaker to the back wall ? Aslo, what is your listening room's dimension ? Thanks !
Mbi, Actually my sopeakers are 68" from rear wall as measured from wall to front inner edge. Speakers are on the "short wall". My room is 19'6" x 24'. 9' tray cieling in middle, 8' around the perimiter. If I move speakers back towards the wall, I loose some soundstaging. I was plannng on going through the placement evaluation again soon. The placment both front-back, side to side of these speakers has a profound effect on the soundstage, more so than others I feel. Close ie less than 3' enforces the bass too much. Moving to no spacers really made an improvement with overall solidity.