50hz deep enough?

I am looking at getting some new speakers and I am leaning toward a few differently bookshelf's.

However some of them only go down to 50hz.

Is this deep enough for music only? I am not a bass junkie. I just want to be true to the music. I know that there is information in the music I will be missing. However with a speaker starting to drop off at 50hz will I still be able to follow the rhythm of a bass guitar and large drums?

With my current set up I get LOTS of bass. My speakers are rated 34Hz +/- 3dB. Once I added my line conditioner and rega planet I found my bass really took a step up. or a step deeper I should say. Thus why I am wondering if a smaller monitor my be acceptable.

If you deem 50 Hz not deep enough, what would you consider minimum to be enjoyable and due justice to the music. I listen to everything except for Rap and country. I like rock, bluegrass, jazz, classical, vocal etc.... even metal on occasion.

Thanks guys.

The two speakers I am considering are:
A used pair of Totem Model 1 Sigs and
a new pair PMC DB1+.

Both are rated to 50 Hz. The both do a very sweet job on the mids and highs.
I personally think it is more important to have the mids and highs done well rather than having the deepest bass. However I have become accustom to the bass from my Studio 40's and do not want to get a speaker that leaves me constantly wanting.

There are a few other speaker that I can afford that go a little lower, such as the Totem Rainmaker and PMC TB2+. But in both cases the other two speaker will do a better job with the mids.

Thus the dilemma.
50Hz low end and great mids
40 hz low end a little worse mids.

Hmmm. What to do,
Decisions, decisions...
My room is 10 x 12 currently. However once I have a child (no plans yet but 3-5 years is my guess) I will move into the main room which is 14x21 with 9 ft cellings and is very open to the entrance way and dining room.
I agree with nrchy's statement: "There are people who are bass junkies that buy speakers that only go down to 50Hz because too many speakers do not deliver good realistic bass."

But I would edit his statement to say: "There are people who are bass junkies that buy amplifiers, cables, that will not allow full-range speakers to perform optimally at the lower octaves and therefore, simply cannot deliver realistic bass."

In other words, consider giving the same amount of attention to the amplifier and cables as you might at the speakers, and that may resolve most potential concerns.

It's really a question only you can answer. I will say your old speakers are not +-3db at 34hz, they are -3db. Having said that, there is no doubt you will sacrifice some bass going to a small speaker. One thing you will discover though, after adjusting, is that the bass you do get is tighter, faster, truer to the music. This is true of any good speaker, so you will get quality over quantity.

How big is your room? If you have the best speakers in the world in a walk-in closet, they won't give you deep bass. The room is not big enough for large wavlengths. A thirty hertz tone is huge....physically. High frequencies are tiny waves, which is why they can't get around cabinets or obstructions. In short, if you are in a small apartment it won't matter as much.

Finally, you can always add a sub for metal or movies. It won't be as accurate, but it will satisfy.