Full sounding Bookshelf speakers music only

I'm trying to find a nice full sounding bookshelf, or monitor pair for a new set-up. I have a nad c740, and I'm looking for a good match. I have a budget of $400.00. I don't want to use a sub. This will be for music only. I listen to everything from classical to metal. Thanks.
See if you can find an old pair of Genesis Physics speakers in good shape. These are NOT the "Genesis" speakers designed by Arnie Nudell. Any of the following models are capable of potent bass response with clean mids and nice sounding treble. They will embarass many "audiophile" type speakers that cost quite a bit of cash. They are NOT designed to tear the roof off of a building in terms of spl's, but they will play loud enough for most folks.

2+ aka II+, 20, 22, 3 aka III, 3+ aka III+, 33, 44, etc... I do not recommend the original "2", only the 2+. Any of the 2 or 3 series mentioned will work well directly on the floor, but you may find that they benefit from being slightly elevated up off the floor just a tad. This tends to reduce the bass slightly, which may be a bit potent for in some environments and is a matter of personal preferences.

You can read more about these speakers at Human Speakers. I know of a shop that has a pair of 2+'s and is selling them for $150. For that kind of money, they are untouchable. I don't know if they will ship or not, but if you're interested, drop me an email. Sean
Epos ESL3 for 300 per pair and beautiful looking. These have been well recieved by both British and American press. They are Stereophile recommended.
I went shopping today, and tried the B & W dm602s3 speakers, I really liked them, the salesman would not budge off of $599. He tried to get me into the next size down for $469, but they seemed to be lacking too much in the bottom for my tatse.(still a nice speaker though). I'm intrigued by this Epos ELS3, but I'm concerned about driving 4 ohms. Any thoughts?
Definitely check out the GR-Research A/V-1. I had the Paradox-1s which were an excellent speaker. A/V1 is more or less the same, with a different tweeter.


Very Recommended!