B&W Silver Signature 30 how are they?

I have been offered a set of Silver Signature 30 - i have the Nautilus 805 currently.

The reviews of this speaker are not many, and I have to travel 500 miles to hear the speaker - should I go the to hear more or... ?

You can find a review here at Stereophile: http://stereophile.com/loudspeakerreviews/272/

Mr. Atkinson seems to feel that our little 805n's (my first speaker) was an attempt by B&W to reproduce the sound of the silver signature for 1/3 the price. So, if they are a steal go for them. If they are not a steal you might look at the new 704s. I think you'd gain maybe a little more refinement and transparency as they were at one time B&W's top of the line. As a bonus you can sell the 805's and recoup much of what you put into them (I did), or you can keep them and be one speaker away from an ass-kicking surround system. Enjoy yourself no matter what and happy Thanksgiving.
The SS30 is a wonderful speaker and I am kicking myself for selling my pair. It has an absolutely wonderful tweeter and midrange. The one thing it lacks is low bass extension. The only other B&W speaker that I have heard compete with it is the Nautilus/Signature 800. For the money on the used market, you would be hard pressed to find a speaker that can compete with the strengths of the SS 30. Also, the finish on them is absolutely stunning!
Based om what I've heard of this speaker, it's a B&W speaker I'd actually buy. I'm not a B&W fan, but these are good speakers. I would make the trip.