Revel Studios for half price?

The title is a little mis-leading.
What I'm looking for is a speaker that sounds as good, or nearly as good, as the Revel Studio, which sounds pretty amazing to me, but cost half the Studio price.

I'm about to set out to audition speakers until I find one that cost in the $3-3.5k range and can hang with the Studios.

Is there such a speaker?
Any audition recommendations?

Best Regards,

I would second the last post on the Green Mountain Audio C-3s. I just heard them at a friend's house who is a true audiphile and they were amazing. I have listened to the Studios and Salons extensively and yes they are great speakers, BUT, the Green Mountains are IMO considerably better. I have owned the Verity Parcifals, Talons, Ushers, Maggies and heard literally everything but the Kharmas. If you can put the relatively low price aside and make pretend that the GMAs are $30,000 a pair that about captures the level of sound quality I heard.
Green mountain speakers = home built Vandersteen's with less quality control. I dont even think they match their drivers and crossover components to within db tolerances.

I have personally heard the C-1's. Nothing special, another Vandersteen clone that uses basic off the shelf drivers from different companies, basic 1st order slopes.If someone is gonna recommend this style of speaker, I would rather recommend the 3A signature if were going this route.
Again thanks for all the respones.
How about the VMPS RM40s?
They seem to be available, used and upgraded, occasionally around $3.5k.
I'm sure they sound great, but can they rock without hurting your ears. In other words, can the RM40s hang with the Studios?
A hybrid speaker, if you want to go this route, go with a pair of Magnepan 3.6's. I have heard them, quite laid back sounding from my impressions. Good speaker nonetheless.

Seriously though, if your looking for "Studio" sound, look at the F30. If you AB these speakers with the Studio's on the same equipment you will be hard pressed to tell the 2 apart.They are that good. Save that extra $1500 towards other upgrades like room treatments or something........ would be dead wrong about GMA NOT matching the crossover components in stereo pairs. They are matched to within plus or minus one half of one DB. Sorry, but I feel the need to correct the people who make false statements.