Static / Fuzzy Sound in Speakers


ive just installed my new system : Wadia 861 CDP plugged in directly to an Odyssey Stratos Amp via TMC Yellow Interconnects. My speakers are Audience Paris.

Well, when i switch on the Amp and the CDPlayer, i get this faint fuzzy sound coming from the speakers. Its like a continuous static sound you get from a TV set when theres a very bad signal. Its just there. I can still hear it when i start playing a CD when i stick my hear to the speakers, and i can certainly hear it when theres nothing playing, on both channels.

I really dont know where this sound comes from, and why im getting it. The AMP is brand new, so are the interconnects and the speakers. The CDPlayer is the only one thats been bought second hand.

Any ideas ?
Have only auditioned a 850 (doesn't have the digital inputs of your 861) but it was dead quite. Does owners manual for the 861 recommend any shorting pins for the 861's inputs? Might also want to email/call Wadia Customer support. I wouldn't try shorting pins in your amp unless specifically recommended by your amp manufacturer.
Ok did some more testing and i am now puzzled.

I have a crappy Sony Integrated downstairs so i decided to use it in order to try and isolate the fault, as i was pretty confident it wasnt coming from the Wadia.

So i hooked up the integrated with the Wadia : and low and behold i was right, there was no fuzzy / snowy sound. Hmm.

I then decide to use the integrated as a preamp, and hook it up with the Odyssey stratos to see if the amp was the problem. Again, nothing, dead quiet.

The only time i had this surface low fuzzy / snowy noise was when i used the Wadia DIRECTLY into the Odyssey. I used the same cables each time, with exactly the same routine -> Amp and preamp first, Wadia last powered up. And as soon as the Wadia direct in the Odyssey made that clicking noise after booting up signaling that it was ready to go, that bloody surface noise poped up.

Where could this be coming from i dont know. But i know i cant stand that low surface noise.

Guess ill have to get my hand on a preamp :(

Another thing to try...

See what happens when only one cable is connected to the cd player. If you don't hear the sound then this is probably what is called a ground loop problem.

It is suspicious that you have this problem in multiple systems in your house. This tends to point to something other than specific equipment - like the wiring in the house.

I am also curious as to your description of the sound as "static/fuzzy". Usually ground problems would be described as a "buzz". Static is the sound of a radio between stations, something like the sound of the ocean. A buzz is a different kind of noise.

There are inexpensive gizmos available at hardware stores that plug into an outlet and tell you if the outlet is wired properly. Would'nt hurt to find out.

The saga continues..
Ground loop problem ? What is that ?

I was wrong in my imagery anyway : the sound i am hearing is definitely what you would call Static.

Im not to sure, but if you put your hear real close to your speakers, when the system is on but not playing anything, shouldn't you hear just the tiny bit of static ? Or should it be dead quiet ?

Ill probably get myself those gizmos you talk about, but i still dont get it why it is worse when i plug my CDP directly into the amp, and not the other two cases (amp + pre + CDP, integrated + CDP ).

One more test. Very gently spread your fingers and press in the speaker cone about 1/4 inch and release. If you hear any scrapping sound then you have a bad winding in that voice coil. Make sure you push evenly about the speakers center axis and not all on one side. Sometimes a bad voice coil sounds like electronic problems. Fuzzy sound would be in your mid range or tweeter, probably not the woofer.