Sony electrostatic speakers japan only?

Anyone have any info on these sony electrostats, model ss-r10?? apparently these are only sold in japan. i can't get the link below to revert to english. which might be for the best because they look really cool and very expensive. anyone know anything? should i start obsessing or not?
It translates: "We have fooled you once again americans, these are really nothing more than bookends. At one point they were used so that Aibo the dog jumped over them during phase II of is testing."

Actually, I think it just says they play up to 40,000hz, have an efficiency of 80db, gives the physical dimensions, and the usual mumbo jumbo that gets us all excited. There may have been a price in there too, I couldn't tell.
I searched Google for the SS-R10-L/R and found a similar site that had a price of 3 million yen (about $25,000) and what looked like a sale price of 2.4 million yen (about $20,000) I am unclear if that is each or for the pair. If anyone is serious about wanting these my wife works for a Sony dealer and I know their Sony A/V rep. I can ask more questions.....
hey ez, you're right. 80db? those things are going to need 400 watts to drive them. i'm out. thank god.
a71, didn't notice your post. 25k? now i'm really out. thanks for the offer to gather info, though.
Here is some more info that I found at

Sony has made an ESL with separate elements for low, midrange an high. The different panels work with different polarization voltages. The low range panel consists of two elements placed 5mm apart. By using very smooth copper stators and a special HV isolation a polarization voltage of 8500 V can be applied. The high frequency element has a membrane stator spacing of 0.3 mm and polarization voltage of 2000V. One speaker weighs 90 KG and a pair costs around $18.000