Any Issues with Levinson 37

I am looking into buying a used Levinson 37 transport where the number of hours on the unit is unknown. Everything seems to work fine (I have it out on loan), the drawer works smoothly and all the mechanics seem sound. Played a few disk and there were no problems.

I wanted to find out what types of issues people have had with this unit, is the laser and transport mechanism still made, etc. . . Just trying to find out what I am getting into. I do know it sounds wonderful.

Thank you.

I have a 37 transport.

Issues : Drawer mechanism...sometimes need servicing because it has difficulty in opening(Needs to be "gelled and a new rubber band).Take it to my local importers/service centre,cost minimal and fast service(My Proceed CDD did the same)You need to establish if you have a dealer close to you that can do the servicing for you.If you need to send it to HSG the hassle and cost are going to be too much.In that case you need to consider the purchase carefully ....

Otherwise helluva good transport and built like a tank.I use a 36s dac with the 37 and a Stealth Varidig AES/EBU dic IC.To get the most out of ML equipment you need to run balanced cabling.

Another secret ~ spend more on the transport compared to the dac ...

I dont plan to change the 37 soon.


rumor has it Levinson charges $1000 for any repair work before they even open it up? Search the archives of Audiogon I read it here.
To clarify, when a unit is presented for service, they ask for your approval up front, for up to $1200 in repairs. They do this for two reasons:
1) With the approval, they can proceed on repairs rather than trying to contact you when they find the problem. This saves time and gets the unit fixed and returned quicker.
2) The $1200 amount is the maximum out of pocket you will spend for the repair, even if the repair exceeds $1200. You don't automatically get charged $1200, its only the maximum amount should the cost reach that or beyond. If the repair is less than $1200 then you'll only pay what that cost is.
Repair being both materials and labor.
BTW, a replacement transport is in the $1200 ballpark.

How do I know? I sent my No.37 back to Harman today for service - gulp...