Best Redbook player with XLR outs

Looking for top-shelf CDP to introduce into my current set-up: BAT 51SE, Ayre V-1x, Tara speaker cables to B&W N805. RCA not an option due to BAT pre. Budget is not fixed, but would like to stay under 4K used.
Thanks in advance for your opinions.
I failed to mention on my comments above regarding the GamuT, I use Cardas XLR RCA adapters to connect it to my deHavilland Mercury preamp, but still get the advantage of the amp used for the XLR output. I previously used the Pass X2.5 peamp totally balanced as is the GamuT which was an excellent combination.
Thanks for all the feedback.
I decided on the Ayre Reedbook CDP with the new "e" upgrade. The unit is just know breaking in. So far, so good, with about 200 hours of play time.
I am thrilled with my Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP matched with my Nautilus 805s, powered with 34 Class A watts by Sugden. Just superb!