need help Unpgrading from CAL Ikon MK II

My system consists of:

Audio Electronic Supply SE-1 Amp (300B tube, 7W with volume control)
Silverline Panatella II speaker (92 dB)
Cal Ikon Mk II (the old model, not the HDCD model)

I am thinking about getting a better CDP that cost no more than $1000 (used or new) and should be a substancial improvement from the Ikon II

I listen to a lot of female vocal, Jazz, some Classics and pretty much everything, but heavy metal and rap.

I am looking for something that excells in female vocal and sound stage with transparency and probably a good focuss.

I have heard a good thing about $1000 players like RegaPlanet 2000, and so on. My concern is that I am not sure if I will hear big improvement over the Ikon II that I have. I would rather stick with the Ikon 2 if the improvement is not worth spending money.

I know many people will be happily to spend a few more grands just for a little improvement in thier system, but unfortunately I don't that fatty pocket to do so. So I am looking for a best bang for the buck upgrade route.

Was thinking about Cary 308 and Arcam CD23 as well and also thinking about getting a good outboard D/A instead of a new player. Interesting on those tube output player as well (Ah!, Heart and so on)

Any thoughts on this would be really appreciated, especially for the one getting a chance to compare the Ikon Mk2 (or Ikon 2 with ouboard D/A) with other players within this price range.

I have an 8 year old Cal Audio Delta Transport. I sold a Krell SPB 32X dac about 16 months ago - this was originally a $3500 dac - and bought an MSB Link Dac III with 96 khz upsampling and added power supply. Only $750 new and I see them ocassionally for sale here for about $500. You can buy a dac provided you have a digital out jack on the back of your cdp. Upsampling is the least expensive and most effective way to go in my opinion. You may want to take a look at the new Musical Fidelity cdp with 192 khz upsampling which I think is under $1500.
Elinor- I would agree with the recommendation to try an outboard DAC. Due to the technology change, digital products have a very rapid depreciation, and you should be able to purchase very high quality stuff for 25-33% of retail. For example original Muse 2 for +/-$500, Classe DAC-1 for <$1K. These may not upsample, but they sure sound good. Another option would be a CAL CL-20 DVD/CD which does has 24/96 DACs and outputs a digital data stream for future outboard DAC/upsampler, also typically well under $1K.
I've also considered upgrading from my Icon MKII. A wonderful warm sounding player. I'll been lead to believe that the dac's inside this player are what make it special.
Any thoughts on the Creek CD-43 MKII as a possible replacement?