Resolution Audio Opus vs. Audio Aero Capitole MKII

I'd thought I made up my mind about getting a new CD player. I want something....more than I have. Currently I'm running a Theta Carmon into a Theta Casanova. I was going to upgrade to the Casablanca II with superior dacs but I'm not sure if that is going to get me much further along.

Anyway, from what I've heard these two players are the or among the most analog pleasant sounding CD players out there. I know I can order the Opus 21 and send it back if I don't like it, but I hate doing that.

I know I can buy the Capitole online for $4500 and sell it the next week for what I paid for it. I think the $3500 for the Opus is a good deal though. Especially if you think about the fact that it is direct and thus no 100% dealer markup.

I don't think I have either player in my area to test out.
Sutts, the game was excellent, and I loved the result. There has been a lot of good sporting events lately.
Wellfed- yah, it's a great time of year- especially for me as a Canadian, to still have a couple of our teams in the NHL playoff race.

By the way, I love your audiogon name, but have always wondered about it. Is it just that you eat very well- i.e. nice restaurants, or a partner that is a great cook, or what?
Sutts you tried the Capitol 1 with other transports is this correct? Wondering because tried my Capitol 2 Fed by Theta data 3 transport [which is very close or maybe better than a Levinson 37] using XLO UNLIMITED Aes/ebu cable there was a improvement but it wasn't worth the $1500 investment in equipment cost it would be justified if it cost $500. I'm wondering if the transport in the mark 2 was made better or improved over the mark 1 transport. Your definitely correct about the bass change in the mark 2 it change was awesome have 0 complaints about Mark 2 bass.

My moniker is an accurate description of myself, physically and spiritually. It came about when trying to establish a Hotmail account years ago and EVERY name had already been taken.

The spiritual relevance comes from the Bible in Philippians 4:12 NIV.

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."
wow Welfed- a spitually derived Audiogon name- very cool!

Mejames- the transport ws improved in MK II (I believe they use an aluminum board as opposed to wood in the first one- someone told me that once). But yes, my current transport/dac combo beat the Cap Mk II quite handily, albeit at quite a higher cost...