Help me pick a digital cable

What is a good digital cable for about $150 USD (max 200).

I am looking for a neutral cable that is very open sounding.

I will need RCA connections and will go between my Parasound (CEC) 2000 belt driven transport and my Wadia DAC.

Also what is people experience with 1m vrs 1.5 meter lengths. I read the article written by Steve at Empirical audio. Has anyone compared 1m to 1.5?

Thanks Rgd,

Ideally I would like to buy all of the cables and try them. But I can't really afford to. I was just hoping someone who was tried them could offer a brief description on each.

eg: X cable is very neutral and open, while Y cable is more detailed, etc...

Then I could pick which cable I think would work better in my system.

HEY Nick,
Try, they usually send a few to swap and audition, then you send back what you dont want. Just tell them what you are using in your rack and they will give you their best "synergy" recomendations
I thought about
But I live in Canada, and there is tax, brokerage, and possibly some duty issues I don't want to deal with when sending multiple cables back and forth.
