Linn Sondek LP-12 happy/un-happy owners

I am considering the purchase of a new LP-12 and I here from both sides. Some say they are forever out of adjustment and they are a terrible TT. The dealer says that the adjustment problem is true of the old but has been resolved. Some owners say that they wouln't have anyother TT. What is the consenus of the AudioGoners that have owned a LP-12?
Opinons will vary, I never owned one, but I listened to minimum 12-15 Lp12 at various Linn Dealers in their demo rooms when I was looking for a "serious" record player. All I can say, I'm glad that this train of "hype" started without me. Compared to small Basis, Well Tempered and some others it always was slow and showed extreme limitations ( even the full loaded ones ) in the high and low frequency area. Even a Linn Dealer smiled when I asked him, what do the people say, when they hear a Platine Verdier in comparison, he also sells. His answer was simple:" ... they believe in something and I can make good money with it...."...
Sorry for not writing an enthusiastic comment, but in my opinion, that was one reason digital became so successful ...
Of course no apology necessary - I can't agrue with a man's ears. I'm glad you found a table that pleases you. May I ask where you were able to audition 12-15 LP-12's and compare them within the same stores to a variety of other high end tables? I assume you are not in the U.S. - U.K perhaps? Where ever you are, I want to visit.
When I was looking for a good turntable in Europe, I had a few visits at various LINN main dealers, they offered comparisons with various LP12 ( with/ without Lingo, Valhalla etc.etc. ) Some had Naim ARO Arms, some with LINN/Naim Electronics ( pre/power/speakers ) and other dealers had that and selled other turntables and different electronics. One gave me a demo with LP12's with FM Acoustics electronics ( the Phono, Pre and Amp and he was a Platine Verdier dealer, too ). Anyway, this is some years ago, I made my decision for a different brand ( not the Basis Debut, that was much later ).
I am a happy turntable owner. Please note that while I have a Linn LP12 moniker, I am not a fanatic. I enjoy music whatever brand. The whole secret is component matching and set up. I once heard a $50,000 system and thought the cheap stuff at Best Buy sounded better. Your ears and tastes also count. I have a Linn LP12 with ARO, Pinnk Linnk and Transfiguration Temper W. I also own a TNT with SDS, Graham and Spectral MCR cartridge. I enjoy them both immensely. Also have had Lingo Ekos pairings, Well tempererd Garrard 401, other VPI tables, etc. These two I have I settled on. The Linn has tremedous bass, is musical and wonderful to listen too. The VPI I have has the original series 1 platter with 5 bearing and motor, so it is warmer which I prefer over the newer VPI's with the clear Acrylic platters. I really enjoy my Linn and gives me hours of music pleasure. Set up. arm synergy and cartridge synergy are all very important. If you get it right, the LP12 is an awesome turntable. Once adjusted properly, I dont need to touch it for years (I have my own jig and adjust myself). The mags rave about scoutmaster, HRX, Nottingham, etc. I have heard these at dealers and found it incredibly difficult to judge them. They dont have my cartridges, they dont have my electronics, cables, etc. But with the setups, I didnt hear the magic I had read about.
My advice, if you want an excellent turntable, the Linn is great consideration. Dont get with anything less than an Ittok arm. Their lower arms, in my opinion, are terrible. If you buy one used, they are very reasonable and if you sell at a reasonable price, you can sell it very easily if you dont like it. It is really tough to audition tables these days with the lower end cartridges on tables.
I once heard a $50,000 system and thought the cheap stuff at Best Buy sounded better. - Linnlp 12
