Any one audition the Music Hall MMF CD 25??

I am in the market for a 1 box CD player. I am down sizing the rig, going back to an intergrated amp Creek 5350se and going with montiters Mission m73's. I know Mucis Hall is reknown for turntables, hows the CD player?
This was my response to a previous thread. It still applies.

I have been using the MMF CD 25 for about 2 months now and I am very pleased with my purchase. I listen to mostly acoustic; popular vocals; and jazz music. I find that the player picks up every last detail, for example I will hear a tambourine or guitar strum that I had not noticed before. On vocals, the player is very precise. On one Elvis song in particular (Kentucky Rain), I can hear clearly the echo of the recording studio and the accompanying stillness of the air. On 1950's vintage Louis Armstrong (W.C. Handy & Fats Waller), the sound is smooth, not harsh (though not as good as the SACD versions). I have the MMF paired with fairly musical sounding equipment (Acoustic Research 302; Harmon Kardon 3370 receiver) and am considering buying an additional player for my bedroom system. I purchased it over the net from Northern Audio & Home Theater for $539 (includes shipping & tax). Good service & quick.

By the way, consider either the Wharfedale Diamonds 8.1 ( or the EPOS 12 (distributed by Creek) for speakers.

Good Luck.
i second the detailed sound comment. Sound very good with acoustic music and it has great soundstaging.
I am very pleased with the Music Hall MMF 25 CD Player. I bought mine way back in late February and have been VERY happy with it. I had listened to the Camdridge players and the Rega Planet (Current version) and liked the Music Hall as the best of the lot.
I am using it with McIntosh electronics and Thiel 3.5 speakers and it sounds just great. I am also using Transparent MusicLink Plus interconnects and recently added a Bright Star Isolation Platform - and the sound is very smooth, yet detailed and dynamic. I'm not sure if the Bright Star made any real difference - but I KNOW than moving up from MusicLink to MusicLink PLus ICs made an audible difference.
For the price point, the Music Hall is hard to beat. Nice build quality - better than the Cambridge units in my opinion - and certainly equal to the Rega Planet. By the way, the Planet is a top loader - so unless you want to give up top shelf space in your rack for a CD player - it might not be the best choice.