Transparent's Network Boxes

I know this has been a topic before but I was wondering if anyone really knew what Transparent puts in those cool looking black boxes. God knows they charge enough for their cables and one would think they would put a picture of the network box contents on their website but no such luck. I've heard everything from a single cheap resistor hot glued in place to exactly three parts in each model no more or less. I've researched this on audio asylum and the opinions vary as well. If anyone knows for sure and better yet can direct us to a photo url, that would be wonderful.
Why don't you just listen to Transparent cables instead of making a decision based network contents?

This just turns into a flame thread about expensive cables.

If you can't hear the difference then don't buy them, and consider yourself blessed with the savings.
Based on your other thread you posted (you system is listed below) you should consider upgrading your CJ PV10a preamp. Upgrading to a placette, CJ Premier 14, CJ 17,or some other high end preamp will really suddenly open up the soundstage depth and width. You haven't even heard the true potential of your Super cables.

"My components consist of a Levinson 334, CJ PV10A, and Meridian 507 CD all plugged into Transparent's PI4. My speaker of choice is the Canton Ergo 900. I currently use Transparent Super XL speaker cable and a Powerlink Super cord on the amp"

I've tried 10k source in my system and instead upgraded to the next level Transparent cable( which cost more than my front end) and it was a bigger improvement in my system (of course both the upgrades were awesome but$$$$)
transparent's are good cables, but one should be conservative about what they can or can't do. i.e., get what you can afford, and take a hard look at your components, etc.
i have ref.w/xl (trade up) - i have no burning desire to get something else. the company's early literature suggested "not going overboard" in a way. basically, they do bass, and the're nice and clear, but i have had audioquest in the past and it was darn good too. plus, i got a ps audio power cable
(very reasonably) for my amps, and something wonderful is going on with the sound...