Biwired Speakers - silver for high, copper for low

Had the Nordost SPM for many years - needed a WAF thin cable that I can run under the rug. Have recently changed my speaker placement - can now use other cables (within WAF limits - no ugly fat black snakes).

Have tried numerous cables to replace the SPM. Am looking for more body. Found in general, silver cables give more extended high, greater transparency, even delicacy (if well executed) but never quite enough body or bass weight. On the other hand, high purity copper seems great for warmth and body, but you lose some transparency and detail.

So have tried Ridge Street Poiema (silver) for high and home brewed cryoed high purity OFC for bass. On teh whole seems to work well, but have some nagging doubt with integration. I swear I hear something that is not supposed to be there. May be phase shift issue ??

Was contemplating Omega Mikro or other more exotic ones. Any other ideas ?

Oh, I should add this.
power amp: Chord 1200B, solid state A-B, 250Wpc
speakers : Wilson Benesch Discovery, smallish stand mounts.


I formerly used Alpha Goertz big shiny copper ribbon MI-3 for excellent full range results, including body, detail, and transparency. Then added for the upper treble range, silver ribbon AG-1, with bi-wiring. Similar to your speaker cable search. By using cables from the same company, I did not feel any problem with integration of different parts of the audio spectrum, and there was an overall perfecting of the sound. I cannot tell whether WAF allows for ribbon cables.
My current cables are Gregg Straley's custom single wire cables, which are the best to my ears, very low cost, and come with money back guarantee. They are coated with an attractive finish in the red spectrum, so cannot know whether they appeal to the fashion police, in your household. Omega Mikro are out of my league price-wise, and are probably more exotic than you really need to achieve satisfying sound.
I found all the attributes you mention, by switching to a single cable, so the copper-silver debate is not the sole factor in achieving system synergy. Nor is going exotic, with its more demanding set up constraints in a room shared with rest of the family.
You might consider trying the new Flexygy 6 cables from River Cable. They are flat like Nordost for WAF and have a nice, neutral sound with good body. They offer a 30 day money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.Plus their price is very reasonable and affordable. Their website is Just click on the Flexy logo. You can order directly from their site. Good luck.