Cary 306/200 vs Marantz SA-1 vs Sony SCD-1

Has anyone auditioned these three players? If so, what are your thoughts. I am not necessarily looking for SACD capability. Any other player suggestions; tube or ss? I have a CJ Premere 17ls pre-amp with a CJ MF-2500 amp, Thiel 3.6's with audioquest cables. My current cd player is a Phillips CD-80 about 10 years old. Thanks for your thoughts
Marantz SA-1 hands down. Do a search keyword Marantz from the earlier forums to read about why.
If SACD is not important to you, I would lean toward the Cary 306/200 or even the Cary 303 (the 303/200 may even be out by now). Check for info.
I agree with Abe. But, I just got the new Sony XA777ES multichannel SACD and its redbook FAR exceeds that of my SCD-1 + there's the mulichannel SACD, which is really captivating with the right recording. It's hard to admit ... but the newer technology (3 DAC and DSD filtering of Redbook) in the XA777ES overwhelms the SCD-1's legendary build quality. At $2K from, the XA777 is a steal. And you can't accuse me of owner's bias, I have (and will probably keep) both the SCD-1 and XA777ES.

If SACD isn't important (and it should be!) than the Cary, EMC-1 Mark II and definately the Audio Aero Capitole should be on your short list.

Finally, many members on this forum and AA have reported excellent results (we're talking Accuphase or DSC level of performance or even better) with a full Richard Kern (audiomod) modifications to the SCD-1. --Lorne
Lonecherry, very interesting comments about the XA777ES vs SCD-1. Since redbook is more important to me than SACD, any SACD player will have to pass the first hurdle of outstanding redbook CD playback. I haven't heard any that come close to the best redbook-only players. I'll have to find an XA777ES somewhere to have a listen. Maybe you can post a detailed comparison sometime (vs. SCD-1) here and on AA for redbook?? ;-)