Help in Selecting CD Player

My system consists of B&W N802's, Sherbourn 7 X 200 watt amp (I currently use for biamping), Sherbourn Processor and Cary SPL-2002 Preamp for 2 channel. I am in the market to purchase a CD player. I would like to purchase a player for around $1500, used on Audiogon of course. While not totally necessary, I would consider SACD a plus as I plan to complete a multichannel system. I am considering the Sony XA777es, Audio Aero Prima and Shandling T-200. Would you recommend one of these over the others or is there another player I should consider taking into account the characteristics of my system? I listen mainly to Blues, my wife likes country, but we listen to a little of everything as our tastes sometimes vary. Any suggestions from this fine forum are appreciated.
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I have just finished breaking in a new QUAD 99cdp. WOW is all I can say. The TAS review is correct, great sound, extremely smooth, upsamples to 24/192. Check it out.
Thanks guys. Please keep the suggestions coming. Banksfriend, one other person outside of the forum also recommended the Quad. I am going to check it out. Others?
Does Quad still use those "funky" DIN connectors like they did on their older gear or have they come round to using something a little more universal ? Converting cables from RCA to DIN is a real PITA !!! Sean
I can highly recommend the Sony SCD XA777ES CD/SACD player.

I had one in my system before buying the Meitner Dac6 and
it sounded damn good. I gave it to my brother for his B-day
and it sounds damn good in his system, too. And, his system is totally different from mine. This tells me that the Sony
is not that finicky and will sound good in a lot of systems.

I don't think you will go wrong with the Sony and you can
usually purchase a used one on Audiogon for around 1,600.
Which, IMO, is a pretty good deal for the quality.

Have not heard the Prima or the Shanling T-200.