What are the best CD-changers?

Are changers/multi-disc players of such poor sound quality that they are not worth it? Or are there some decent ones?
I can only report that I am very happy with my CAL CL-10 which should be available on the used market for about $700-$800. Very good build quality, quiet, and reliable service. Has a variety of digital outs, including ATT, if you ever want to go to an outboard DAC, and you avoid the jitter issue with an all-in-1. Former Stereophile Class B, FWIW. Adcom build quality not as good, but maybe an inexpensive way to sit out the format wars.
i can't find the aiwa cd changer on the best buy website. anyone have a model number?


The reason that you can't find the Awia changer is that as of last week it is now discontinued. Leave it up to Awia to stop making one of the truley great audiophile anomolies. I have heard that some obscure Best Buy stores do have some of their stock left, but the ones I checked were out. Good luck.
Below is a link to the Limited Edition Nakamichi Dragon Musicbank CD Player System, it plays 7 CD's. Unfortunately it is only available in Asia.
