Single brand vs. multiple brand ICs and ACs

Occasionally someone mentions in a post that they use the same brand cable for all their components. At least once I've seen someone say that this is something to be avoided. I'm currently upgrading my system so this is a good time for me to either add or eliminate variety in my cables. Anyone interested in sharing their thoughts on this? Thanks.
I dont' know that it's totally necessary to use the same cables throughout the system. In my experience cables are used to tune the system. If you want a little more bass, look for a bass heavy cable. If you want to kill some of the brightness from your cdp, try a cable that does that. I have never had my whole system set up with only one brand of cable, so maybe I am missing out on something, but I doubt it.
I started off with all the same brand cables and all the same brand electronics. I dont neccesarly think that this is the best way but I think its the best way to start. How can you ever be sure mixing and matching is best if you dont have a refrence point to compare to.
I've set up my system both ways and am enjoying great success right now with the all one brand method. Until March of this year, I had a menagerie of cables and cords behind my components and was never fully satisfied with the sound. Since going to a uniform set of oversized pipecleaners my system has opened up immensely.

Now for the backpedal. Going from a mixed to matched cable scheme worked with my mix of components, but I wouldn't say it's necessarily the best way. I started adding cables one by one, warm and neutral in band-aid fashion, and never found a good mix. Installing a single brand of revealing cables allowed the purest signal to pass through so I could do all my tuning via tuberolling. When using different brands I probably just didn't find the right combination.

I think Perfectimage makes a good recommendation of trying one brand first, then if you're still not satisfied try introducing a different cable to tweak your sound.

From an enthusiast's perspective, buying a whole set of matching cables is fun, but buying cables one by one extends that fun. Good luck.