Cables "Burn In"

Please,how many days should I wait before my Siltech G3 interconnects are burn in?The sound will be very different?Thanks.
Hmm, this "changing in transit" thing is kind making this burning in sound like the shun-meow to me. Run a search on shun-meow and you will see what I mean.
Gumby, i did a search on shun-meow and came up with some non-descript links to video game stuff. Can you put your last post into English for those of us that have no idea as to what you are talking about ??? Sean

how do you keep your cat from sleeping on your amp

Look under that thread. There is a reference to shun-meow in there by me.

It is comedy actually.
Psychic, have we not crossed keyboards in the past? I am aurally challenged and know not the truth. BTW, a virus is not a nice thing, so quit comparing the "truth" to it. I am an ignorant, a raving know-nothing-know-it-all. I am so inept as an audiophile that I seek a logical explanation for things and even go so far as sighing in relief when a measurement has been provided to substantiate some claim. Audio as a pissing contest, what a novel idea. Cooking cables? Like the other fella' said, would the twisted cable manufacturers not cook them at the plant if such a treatment was to produce these great benefits? Another boring exchange on anything goes subjectivism is the only game in audio vs. these thick pseudo-scientific types who are too slow to get it that a well trained golden ear such as mine cannot lie. Cooking cables! Cooking cables! I like'em raw! I like'em cheap! I listen to music, and don't lose too much sleep...