Ripping CD's - Bypassing Computer CD Player

At the risk of sounding stupid, could someone point me in the right/best direction of how I can rip my CD's to a hard drive while maintaining fidelity? Hold on, I know how to do it with my computer and I know the difference between lossless and lossy files. My concern is that the CD players on computers are not of sufficient quality to do a really good job. I've tried to find the best CD player for my computer, but I know it's not nearly the quality of my stereo componentry. My thought is to use my "audiophile" quality CD player(s) to rip to a storage medium. Is there a component that I can attach to one of my current CD players that would seamlessly backup the CD's and/or a combination CD player/hard drive that would do the same thing?
Ag insider logo xs@2xnab2
Loss of precision is often a a result of floating point calculations. That is why I mentioned it. The calculations used to compress and decompress files is entirely an integer process. The program may make mistakes, but given you can convert to wav to flac and back to wav and have a bit identical file says that the conversions are being done properly. There is no evidence of any program error or loss of precision. The files before and after conversions are the same based on binary compares, not just checksums.

As to bytes versus integer, in a typical 16/44 file each datapoint is an 16 bit number, which cannot be represented by a byte. Hence, my reference to integers rather than bytes. But the real point is that the calculations do not result in any loss of precision.

The wav to flac to wav tests are just that - tests. They try to see if the conversions influence the sound. People have done this because of the reasons I stated. Some people believe the original and final wav files do sound different, even though the original and final wav file are bit for bit identical. You can say STOP, but people report that they can sound different. I am just summarizing what some people report.
09-04-14: Kijanki

In the Absolute Sound article I mentioned, the authors said the sound go worse the more times files were converted, even if they ended up bit identical. I will say, they did get a lot of push back on that topic. However, others do report similar experiences. But, hey, if people believe they hear differences, that is up to them.

Perhaps authors are members of mentioned AA?
No doubt! If files are identical according to a binary compare, why waste time debating if they sound the same.
If you want to read more about the controversial Absolute Sound article where much of the above is discussed...

Absolute Sound Forum