Absolute Power Cords? Any opinions?

This is my first "dip" into the world of power cords. I have read a few good things about these (and the price is right!). What are some opinions? I have the REGA Mira and the Planet 2000.
Just picked one up of A-gon. It is in the system now, but i also changed a few other things so i can't directly attribute anything directly to it. It does look like a decent cord, but i'm betting that the Asylum cord would fare better in a "head to head". The virtual dynamics that Buckingham and Jeff mention might also be a good one to check out if on a budget. Sean

PS... At least this thing isn't advertised as being the "Second Coming". It is still overpriced for what it is, but not nearly as bad as most "audiophile" type power cords.
To Buckingham. Were you able to compare the absolute to the virtual dynamic and was it on a power amp? Just curious. Thanks. I have an absolute replacing the stock cord on the sim. Definate improvment over the stock cord. I'm a "slow" believer over power cords. The Highwire PowerWrap [a helically-coiled strand of isolated metal-composite RF suppression material[not ferrite] to quote www.amusicdirect.com ,put on the fixed power cord of the monster2000,works big time for me, go figure....
Hi, I had used three Absolute Power Cords in my system for about seven months then switched to three Power 2 cords from Virtual Dynamics. The improvement was amazing. More dynamics, more extension at both ends, the soundstage grew and strangely the volume went up. Just more life overall. For me the difference between the Absolutes and the Virtual Dynamics was like unstuffing congested sinuses.
Hi, Gunbie. This is very good feedback. Which Virtual Dynamics pc did you use? How much of a difference did you find between the two on your amp? Thanks for sharing...
Bluenose, I compared the APC to the Virtual Dynamic 3; the Power 3 was much better (on amp, pre, UO, and jitter box). The APC sounded like stock. Like yourself, I am a slow convert to power cords. None of my power cords cost over $100, and most I bought used. The APC is the only one I regret buying. I just can't figure out the hype.