Replacement Styli Cartridges

I own a cartridge with a replaceable stylus that I have enjoyed very much in the past (and which will, at this point, remain unnamed). Upon inquiry at a local dealer (reputed to be a analog "expert") regarding a source for a replacement stylus, he sniffed and said that no cartridge with a replaceable stylus costing more than $150 (for the cartridge and stylus) was worth buying. Anyone share or disagree with this viewpoint?
I guess I should add to the above that the Ortofon OM 78-RPM stylus is about $40, so you can get it also along with the OM-10 Super and Stylus 30, for the price of the OM-30 Super only.

If you buy on the web make sure it is the "Super" body. You could end up with the old OM body if you see an OM-10, (20, 30, etc), for sale.

What is the difference between the standard OM series and the OM super series ? Sean
The OM "Super" is just the new improved model (the body, not the stylus). They look the same as the OM; use the same stylus, etc. They will say Super (slanted) before the OM on the side (see pic).

The new Super OM cartridges have been designed on the basis of Ortofon’s lightweight moving magnet system – originally introduced in the OM (Optimum Match) Series – with two major refinements.

By means of computer simulation methods, it has been possible to define the natural pivot point of the system with unprecedented accuracy while achieving an optimum oscillation balance. This translates into improved linearity, higher channel separation, and reduced distortion.

In addition, Ortofon has succeeded in developing a technique by which to “slit” the less than 1 mm diameter hollow pole pins, thus ignificantly reducing “eddy current” losses caused by magnetic hysteresis. This extends the frequency range and improves phase linearity.

Choose between a nude, fine line stylus (Super OM 30), a nude, elliptical stylus
(Super OM 20), or an elliptical stylus (Super OM 10).