Help Newbie Cables for Mac/JBL??

Never paid much attention to speaker wire...Now I am. Recently purchased Mac C42 PreAmp, MSD4 Processor, Sony 9000es SACD, And MAC MC602 (600wpc) Main Amp. Using my other Mac amps for my other "Surround" speakers. Wish to cable up my '602 into my great big old JBL Olympus main speakers (circa 1974)...Never forayed into the cable arena before !! Modest budget....Advice please ???? Macfan Al
Greetings Mac/JBL fans-I have in the not too distant past had a system with the Sovereign?/LE-15 and MAC tube stuff. I had homebrew cable then, and some Audioquest Clear(light in the bass)but I now run Goertz MI 2 Veracity and feel it would be a great match with the JBL/MAC sound.
Cheers, Roger
Thank you everybody....A fellow in Singapore E mailed me with his recommendation, which I take it is not found too readily in the US..And that is "Audioplan LS12"....Anybody know anything about them and where I may pick some up?? He raves about them, as he has Mac stuff also....I E mailed their website in Germany and expect a reply shortly......Macfan Al