New to Vinyl and need immediate help

I'm new to vinyl, having just purchased my first TT, and can't wait to get started. Just received a New Rega P9 TT, RB900 arm, and Clearaudio Aurum Beta cartridge. I desperately need help with the rest of the system.
This system is going to be placed in my den/library (13' long by 14' wide by 14' ceiling) for MY musical enjoyment. I've got really good solid state gear in another part of the house for the rest of the family/Home Theatre (Krell amp; B&W 803 speakers; Theta Digital; etc.). Eventually, I'd like for the vinyl system to be all tube, but I would like to do it one piece at a time.

In the basement, I have a Bryston 2B SS amp I could use in this room, PSB MK II speakers, as well as a Rotel Pre-amp.

To complete the system, I guess I will need a phono pre-amp.

Basically, my budget only has about $1,500. Option #1 would be to buy a new/used phono pre-amp and use my old SS gear to supplement; Option #2 would be to buy a new or used tube pre-amp (that also has a phono pre-amp like the Cary SLP 98P) and use my Bryston SS amp; and Option #3 would be to buy a new/used tube integrated amp like the Cary SLI 80. [[The only reason I'm mentioning Cary gear is that the salesmen at the store keeps pushing this stuff at me]]

I listen mostly to jazz (bop and post bop; acoustic) classical and some blues.
Some have suggested just getting a phono pre-amp like the EAR 834; while others have suggested a used ARC or CJ.
Where should I start? What should I do? Where should I stay away from?

That's a tough question. I think all of your options are valid (and good ones). I like Cary equipment. My small system uses Cary 40M signature monoblocks--I really like those. I also use tube for my phono stage (Sonic Frontiers). If it were me I would probably do each piece separately (unless I found a really good pre--that had a great phono stage) used. That's just because I like to find the right thing at the right price and really don't care if it takes 6 months for it to show up on the used market. I also like to enjoy each of the changes (although I don't make very many these days). I like the integrated the least, because it offers the least flexibility in the future--but if you don't need the flexibility it can be the most economical.
I believe that Audiable Illusion Modulus 3A might be your solution. It's inexpencive(when used)full-function preamp with 40dB of gain that is suitable for medium and high output cartridges.
I agree with the AI Modulus 3A suggestion. If you do not go that route, ARC PH3 is a good versitile phono amp for $1K or so used.
I second Marakanetz's suggestion. The Illusion Modulus 3A is one good way to go. They are in high demand on the used market, incase you want to upgrade some day.