Best cables for Krell Components

Please, tell what you think. Make any suggestions with some comments. It will be appreciated. Thanks.
I wonder if you really did look at their website. To repeat myself, they're the "Highend Series" 330 Shotgun Medium. If you can't find that on the website, you didn't go to the website. And I think we have a case of your personal taste/hearing being different from mine, BUT NONE THE MORE VALID. I heard what I heard, and it was repeatable.
Malinpare1, before you spend your money try NBS or FIM. With Krell these wires will perform well above MIT. Do not take my word or anybody else's. Try for yourself.
I would listen to the opinions of Brulee. I can personally attest to his wisdom in the world of audio. He has given me advice above and beyond what you would expect to find from anyone. Bruce, thanks again for all of your help and concern.
Carl, thanks for giving the appropriate name of the cable. Take a look at your original message stating proline shotgun, and look at There you will see that there's one called shotgun and another proline. So, give me a break, and please don't attack me off the bat. I didn't give you any reason whatsoever for you to speak to me the way you did in your 11/28 message to me.
Look again, there is a 330 Shotgun Proline. I OWN A 2 METER RUN OF IT! And yes you did...