Best reviewers

Who are in your opinion the best reviewers out there ? Whether it be from stereophile, TAS or an audio forum, you surely have a few reviewers that you trust and respect. I nominate Robert E. Greene from The Absolute Sound as the best reviewer. He understands live music, knows how to describe what he hears, and appears to be impartial. Your choice ?
Trelja, you are too kind. Tell me this: if the movie will be finished in 2001, why must they wait until summer 2002 to release it? I hear that few movies will be made starting spring 2001, another actor's strike or some such nonsense, and so it seems like they shouldn't wait so long to release a time-tested product.
Gentlemen, this post has clearly degenerated. But i'll throw my two cents anyway. Nothing tops LOTR (Lord of the Rings). Star Wars is OK, but it is commercial fare. Comparing it to LOTR is like comparing a Big Mac with dinner at Taillevent in Paris (though I acknowledge I sometimes crave for a Big Mac, and nothing else will do).
I submit that you just don't get Star Wars, and there's nothing degenerate about it, nor is it simply "commercial fare". It is a generational phenomenon and spectacle. So-called "baby boomers" "just don't get it", and they don't need to get it, we don't need them to get it, nor do we care if they ever get it. Lord of the Rings is fantasy, not science fiction, and it didn't have the effect that Star Wars has had. History is proof of that. If you want to talk works of fiction, "Gone With the Wind", the novel and the movie, had far more impact than Lord of the Rings could ever hope to have...and it's still eclipsed by Star Wars. You can knock it all you like...
The Best reveiwer would be one whose ONLY payment would be from the magazine at a price per article. The ideal reveiwer wouldn't recieve FREE or discounted product from manufacturers in exchange for a good reveiw. The ideal reveiwer wouldn't be seen selling mega dollar components 6 months after a, "This is the best thing in the World" reveiw. The ideal magazine wouldn't rely on advertising dollars to keep afloat. A magazine without politics. A magazine of truths.
The ideal magazine would be so pure, that if the reader had ever done anything less than perfect in his life, he would be smited from the earth as he read those most holy words, so perfect that no one anywhere would be worthy of reading them, instead it only condemns them to eternal torment. What a page-turner it would be, I am salivating!