Carver LightStar Reference

I have the chance to this 300wpc amp at a very reasonable price. Does anyone have any thoughts on this unit? Good or bad. How did you like the performance? I appreciate all comments. Thanks
Very diligent followup, Sean. Thank you. I agree, the sound is more neutral than Sunfire in my experience. Clean, and crystalline. I really think you would be impressed by one of the amps in action, Sean. Awe inspiring at times. This amp really puts out.
Thanks for all the info guys!! I appreciate it greatly. I did buy the amp ($850). It looks as clean as could be. It weighs a ton!!! The store where I bought it had it hooked up to a pair of Aerial loudspeakers and the sound was absolutely amazing. One of the best presentations I have ever heard. They have another LightStar for sale that I am seriously considering getting to biamp my speakers, power some subs, or jump start my car!! I have used Sunfire before and their build quality (to me) doesn't even come close to this beast. I am a happy buyer right now. I hope I never have to contact Bob Carver about service but MUCH THANKS for doing homework on the situation for me fellas!!! Take Care ~GEKKO~
WOW !!!! That was a GREAT price. I wish i could use a "little" amp like that : ) Best wishes and good listening... Sean