is there a great used tube for 1000??

I just completed my 1st system, tube pre, ss amp,newform speakers. I would like to have a tube amp to switch to as i like to switch things around a lot and just for fun. I've already spent more than i should but is there a great tube amp{used} that can be had for around $1000???
there's a Music Reference Rm-10 and an RM-9 avaialable on this site for $650 and $900, respectively. The RM-9 is a former stereophile class b and the little RM-10, which I have is outrageous with 89db or higher speakers.
A used Quicksilver or Rogue would be really hard to top at this price point. The Rogue is more neutral sounding, the Quicksilver more "classic tube". If you prefer an even more "classic tube", rich, warm(some would argue overly so) sound, the CJ MV-55 is also something to think about. Be sure that the EL34 powered CJ will be able to drive your speakers to your satisfaction, however. It is not a very powerful amplifier.