Power Amp for newbie

I'm a recent convert to the realm of quality audio. I've miles to go before I sleep, but I need advice on an amplifier for under $800. I have a pair of Alon Petites, acurus CD-11, and acurus R-11 for my current gear. Any thoughts?
The Rogue 88 is a great piece of gear for the money.800/1000 used gets you one.You can do better but more lickly to do worse in that price range.
A McCormack DNA .5 can be had for that price and would be an excellent choice.
Thump, I've owned the Acurus RL-11 and I presently own the ACD-11 CD player that is used as a transport presently. It's nice to assume that if you purchase all of the same brand that you should have some magical synergy but in my experience that is not the case most of the time. Anyway, based on the rest of your equipment I would recommend the B&K EX4420 power amp. It has a very dark tonal quality about itself and would help to offset the high tonal quality that the Acurus line of products tend to have. What cables are you using by the way?
My dealer gave me Kimber 4PR when I bought my CD player. Since I have no $$ invested there, I'm open to change in that arena if the experienced ears have suggestions. I live in the boonies, so auditioning requires significant pre-planning.