HI all-
replacing my current hitachi ultravision with a 53" high def TV and looking for recommendations. budget about $5k but could go a little more if needed. no real space for front projection (narrow type room and recessed space for TV - no screen), so going with RPTV. Ideas? Thanks!
Who sells Pioneer Elites for the best possible price? Wouldn't you worry about getting beat up in shipping? I'm in the market for a HDTV and have been looking at the higher end Hitatachi's Mitsubishi and Pioneer Elites. I'm not sure I can afford an Elite but could swing one if I could get a really good price. What are the model #'s on the Diamond Series Mitsubishi's? Thanks for a response for a newbie.!!!
hi newbie... hehe...
there's a guy on audiogon who sells the elite pro 20 series for really good prices. the 53" one was about $4400 delivered. i think his handle is 'micshin' or something like that. check the home theater - video for sale ads or do a search for pioneer elite from the home page. i know it sounds strange, but sound advice (a local high end dealer) actually OFFERED to match that price, which I couldn't believe.

There are advantages to ordering from a local dealer. First, you can trust them a bit more and have someone to go to in case of problems (which in my case there usually are!). Also, I have never gotten a service plan before, but for this kind of TV, I'm getting it. It's about $400 for 5 years, and it includes three cleanings/adjustments annually. Also, any issues, the local dealer comes to my house and fixes it themselves (no 3rd party warranty company). Those cleanings/adjustments are necessary at least annually on these TVs and can cost $80-$120 per visit otherwise. Yes, you can do it yourself, but I'd rather not fuss with something like that on my own, plus you void the pioneer warranty (2 yrs) if you go in on your own.

Next, I was a bit nervous to have a TV like that shipped to me. All that bouncing around and stuff. Plus, what do you do if something goes wrong and it needs to be fixed? Are you going to pack up a 400-500 pound TV and have it shipped for repair? That would prove troublesome at best I think.

With the economy the way it is an high-end audio/video retailers possibly feeling a pinch, I'd see what you could get the TV locally for. Even if it's a couple hundred bucks more than shipping, I think it's clearly worth it to get it locally. Anyway, good luck, sorry for babbling for so long!

Thanks for the response on the rptv's. I think I'm sold on the Pioneer Elite. Does anyone out there know if Audio King (the retail store ) chain have a web site. They are my closest retailer. About three and a half hours away from home. I'm also very apprehensive about shipping such a large, heavy and expensive item all the way from Washington State to Northern Minnesotsa. I'm in a dilemma. Oh well, thats one of the down sides to living way out in the country. Thanks again very much for your help!