Your ONE all time favorite love song?

For me it's "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" by Roberta Flack, from her CD "Softly with These Songs, the Best of Roberta Flack", on Atlantic. I'm looking for LOVE SONGS. Thanks and Cheers. Craig
Wow, it's really hard to narrow it down to just one song. I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned, but I'll have to go with Al Green's "Let's stay together".
I was hoping someone would pick up on the tongue-and-cheek nature of "Excitable Boy", given the rather dark nature of the lyric. Thanks for catching it. ;)
Everly Bros./Let It Be Me. Guess it was a French song first but never heard it in French.
led zep - "thank you"

If the sun refused to shine,
i would still be loving you
When mountains crumble to the sea,
there will still be you and me