BAT Equipment vs Audio Research

Has anyone auditioned BATs VK 75SE and 50SE. How does this equipment compare with the Audio Research line? I am only soliciting opinions. I know everyone has different tastes and one must trust their own ears. However, different perspectives, by knowledgeable people, is always helpful.
Whoops, saw that you already have the ARC external phono stage. I don't think it would be a stretch to claim that what you already have will be significantly better than the BAT phono card, no matter which BAT preamp you buy. And BTW, as a former VK-30 owner, don't necessarily assume the VK-30SE is better. To my ears, I preferred the sound of the 30 with premium (high-$$) NOS 6922s to the sound of the 30SE. YMMV
I currently have BAT VK60 SE Monos, VK50SE Pre-amp and VKD5SE CD Player. This stuff rules! My only experience with AR was a previous home-demo with an AR REF 1 into my KRELL FPB 600. I found the soundstage broad and spacious (this was okay) but I actaully preferred the Sonic Frontiers SFL-2 which I previoulsy owned. The BAT is the first time I have crossed-the-line into the "realm". The BAT may be an expensive investment, but it will save you big bucks over the long haul. I highly suggest that you either purchase the BAT or a high-end hearing aid.
Thanks for all the input. I personally like the BAT equipment, and am trying to set up an A/B comparison, as I think this is the true test for a decision this important. Critics of BAT say its euphonic, rounds off highs, and lacks strong Bass. I thought the BAT was very musical when I listened to it. Others tell me the ARC equipment, while better than SS, is cold and dry in the midrange. One friend called it the Krell of tube amps --all power and no soul. I plan on comparing the 150SE to the ARC 300s. I think they are both great amps with different sounds. Hopefully, when I A/B the two it will be a easy decision. I previously owned ARC 600s II.
Pipes- I currently power Eidolons with ARC REF 300 MKII's which I found more pleasing than the 600's. Of all the amps I trialed, with my particular configuration this was an outstanding pairing. I've listened to BAT's, but not the 150's. I'd be interested in your impression vis-a-vie the REF 300's if you get that opportunity. In my setup the 300's have soul and bloom in spades, Krell as a comparison is the last thing I would think of. Immensely powerful but extremely musical. The only thing I've heard as musical and lifelike are the large Atma-Spheres, which are also stupendous. I personally preferred the 300's, again system mating and personal tastes must be accounted for. Sounds like win/win whichever direction you go. Have a hoot, and let me know the results of your A/B'ing. Cheers, Mark