Transparent Bi-Cable

Is it as good as it's supposed to be for B&W 802D? If yes, why did they stop producting Bi-Cables?
?? Not sure here. It's still available on Transparent's website...

see page 4 for their biwire cables
About 10 years ago, I know transparent bi-wire was just a double run of cables out of the network box for connecting to four binding posts and was priced a small premium above single wire cables mainly for the additional pretty terminations.

Transparent bi-cable, on the other hand, has one network specifically for HF and another for LF (albeit in the same box), this was about priced 50% more than the single wire version

Looking at the pricing now, perhaps they streamlined the catalog and got rid of the old bi-wire nomenclature and then bi-cable became the new bi-wire. You could always call and get the answer straight from them.
No, I think Bi-Wire and Bi-Cable are different designs. I'm interested in Bi-Cable since it was designed for difficult to drive speakers like B&W. Makes sense but leaves more questions than answers - the difficult B&Ws didn't go anywhere - why then Transparent gave up on the idea? Was it not worth the extra cost?