Any one here heard the Bmi Oceanic Statement?

I'm a Power Cord FREAK!!! I heard lots of good things about BMI. I'm looking to put it in my CDP. Right now I'm using a AQ power cord the NRG-5 retail some where $600 dollars, I pay about $200 not bad for the money. Any way any experience with the Bmi Oceanic Statement would be appreciated. Thank You.

No PC can beat it? Really? You head all AC cables like Stage 3 Kraken and it is better? Odin?

Calm down and get all the heavy hitters and then report back
i far the best pcord ever made regardless any has been feeding my amp viola symphonie for the last couple of month,i have had different pcords wich were more or less at the same price but no one gave the result i was expecting till i got the oceanic from bmi. So far deeper double bass transparent mid bass clean mid high reach sound big sound stage real 3 dimension(3d) space between instruments i could hear what the others pcords could not reproduice *this pcord is a fantastic one and apparently the best is yet to is not yet fully brocken...defenetly i dare say i have found the best pcod for my amp and i am proud to say it because it is a reality,i am happy to listen to music when ever i can.for info.[i don't have any link with bmi manufacturer].honestly it is a fantastic pcord. Thx. Audionphile from paris.france.
hi glory..!..i was not alone we were 4 to comper it... 2 audiophiles 1 musicien and 1 ingeneer.we all did agree the bmi oceanic statement was the best it was very naturel,exiting and the pleasure to listen must listen to yourself to beleive it.honestly..i mean it.thx for your interest.
hi glory..!..i forgot to add my cat, her name is *tati*she did not want to leave the listening room until the end of the demo let us be serious there must be others manufacturers who makes great pcords but this time at [bmi] they have put a tramendus work into their product( pcords) to the point where they are going to be difficult for others manufacturer to beat or at least to get closer because bmi company have straseen the lead,let us hope for a short moment and that the search does not stop here but as far as they are getting us closer to live music that's the mos important. thanks god we have the music to listen to. May god save the music.

So what did you compare it to. Stage 3? Odin? Elrod?

Love it when we are so general!