Anticables, Morrow Cables SP1 or PNF Cables

These are all roughly the same price – any opinions as to which would be more suited to large orchestral works with bi-wired Quad 11L bookshelf speakers?

I find that the Quads seem struggle with passages of music which involve dense orchestration. Which of these speaker cables might help “open” the sound a little?
I also have the Morrow SP4's, they are absolutely incredible for the money. I tried them against a number of brands in that price range.

Morrow cables are highly dynamic and open sounding.
I still have Anti-cables here. Both speaker and ic's. Now I am using Morrow SP4 and MA3 with the MA4 coming to replace the MA3 ic's. I highly recommend you try a Morrow SP1 and if you like them start moving your way up. Or better yet just save up and cut through the chase and go for the SP4. These will not dissapoint you. The Black background, layering and great microdynamics of the SP4 will make orchestra music sound more unrestricted. Not that one cable will remove all congestion but these cables can help a bunch.
I would HIGHLY recommend PNF Audio. I've tried so many different cables, I can't even remember them all. When I started using PNF, the merry-go-round stopped! I've never heard any cable that performs at the same level as the PNF stuff does and I've had them in my system for a couple fo years now. The combination of their Symphony speaker cables and the ICON interconnects is the most musical, articulate and truthful sound I've ever found and that's with lots of different components. If you spend more, you're just buying jewelry.

With your Quad monitors, the Symphony should work well, and PNF can set them up with biwire ends if you want (although, my personal recommendation is to do dual runs of cable if you want to REALLY bi-wire, but that's another discussion). All I can say is, if you try them, let them break in a bit, you'll be glad you did!