Which power cord more important?

I'm thinking of changing my stock power cords for my cd player and 100 wpc integrated for better ones...however, I might have enough just to change one of them for now....am I right assuming that the power cord for amplifier will make a bigger difference than the one for the cd player?
After owning a ton of cables and PC's and subsequently trying to challenge my own bias's and preconceptions, due in part to verbal lashings from other A'Gon members, I have come full circle....MIT products are superior for most applications. Every other cable I've auditioned has fallen short in the long run. No other manufacturer has done as much research into the transmission of audio signals through wire, or has as many patents to prove it! Everything else is just wire...sorry, but it's true:O( The new Gen 3 cables raise the bar even higher for the 2C3D lover in you...or maybe MA is more your style?
I was very sceptical about high end power cords so I contacted the cable company for an opinion and to audition power cables from there library. John at the Cable Company recommended a Synergistic Research Hologram D power cord for my Cary 306SACD player. I was astounded at the difference this cord made. It was as good or better than a component upgrade. Changed my views entirely
i have to second dave_b in my experience, i have not found anything near the performance of mit power products. i currently (no pun intended) use the oracle ac1's and recently added a z-stabalizer3 hg which is in the process of wowing me on my big krell. i had never planned to use a power product on that amp but tried it on a whim. now when i remove it, things just do not sound any where near correct.

i can say the same for the rest of my mit cables too (speaker, interconnects, digital...).
I'm with Marcus- try Synergistic Research and start at your digital front end. My first high end power cord was a Synergistic AC Master Coupler- IT BLEW ME AWAY. I have since gone 100% SR Tesla. These new PC's are light years ahead. It is a good idea to audition several PC"s in your system before you buy. I've also had good luck with MIT and Audience.
As there are obviously several schools of thought. . . SR, MIT, Furutech, Shunyata just to name a few, it becomes somewhat evident that there may be no such thing as a universally recognized 'best' per se. Rather, there are a number of well respected cables that work very well for different individuals having differing systems and diverging sonic/musical preferences. . . . the only thing one can do is to try to understand some of the sonic preferences of some of the users, then perhaps try out some of the wires that you suspect 'prima face' may closest match your particular taste.

Regards, G.