Transparent MM2

Anyone had a chance to check out the newest version of Transparent cable (MM2) ?
no_money : the ultraMM2 is a significant improvement above the ultra mm1 in many areas. i do not think you have to jump to TA ref to achieve significant improvement. i think you will hear a nice quality change even if you start by upgrading only the cdp/preamp IC to the mm2 tech. perhaps the nearby dealer has an ultra mm2 you can borrow for a day or 2 to audition? this is always the best way to finalize a decision... in your own system with your own ears.

I have a great dealer located locally. I started YEARS ago with music link and gradually used their upgrade program to end up with the Ultra I have now.

I am still waiting for the details on what the upgrades will cost. I would really like to upgrade the Balanced line from the Pre to the amp first although your option of the CD to pre will be the most tempting/cost efficient.

My latest endeaver has been some Shunyata DFE's
hi no money : the easiest solution : - borrow from your dealer both the bal ultra mm2 and the se ultra mm2 (the MF doesnt have a xlr option? many components that do often perform much better in bal mode, but it really depends on how the cdp was designed. this is all beyond my tech knowledge, i always decide by listening) .

i think the commonly accepted rule is that the IC from the source should be the highest quality cable, then the SC, lastly the pre to amp in terms of impact on the quality of the presentation IF you upgrade in phases. sometimes SC may impact more than the source IC, but this all depends on the system as a whole, synergy issues, and of course which components + PCs are the weakest or strongest link in the system.also, many have concluded that well matched component specific PCs have an equal if not greater part to play than ICs. audition widely and intelligently over several days or longer. never go on a 2 day impression. // i think the upgrade of the ultra mm to mm2 is not inexpensive, but still less than the cost of a ref mm1 and the ultra+mm2 excedes the ref mm1 in many important areas. i think it all depends on the capability of your system to benefit from the higher level of presentation.
unfortunately the MF player is not balanced.

I might just start with the IC to ease into it. :)
i have to toss in the proverbial monkey wrench. for future consideration, you may want to consider changing your cdp to, for example, an used ayre c5se. the cost is more than the a single IC upgrade but may net you much more in terms of overall presentation with your present cables. it may be worth waiting for the $ for this type of system upgrade. although there will be a jump of clarity with the mm2, the details of the music will still be limited to what the MF cdp can read and present. the ayre c5se is in another league and will surely offer more of what is recorded on the cd... and with much more musical engagement IMO.