Ortofon's new A95 - titanium SLM cartridge

It was only a matter of time before Ortofon revisited the A90 SLM design using titanium - this time using some of the Anna's generator tech. Interesting.

The "state of the art" is always defined as the cartridge you don't yet own.
Lewm, be happy you're not in North Korea, where the state of the art is subject to the art of the state!
A95 also on my shortlist - met with Louis from Ortofon at this past weeks CES from his description its a very neutral cartridge as was it's predecessor the A90, which I have owned. His description matched very well with what we heard in their display room. The Anna is a more "meaty" sounding cartridge.

Good Listening

I wonder if there will be a trade in/up program. I have an A90 with approx. 1500hrs so it is almost time for a re-tip. If such a program exist, i would take advantage of it. If not, i would likely go the re-tip route for the A90.

I also wonder if i could reap greater sonic benefits upgrading my Phantom II to III status than going from an A90 to 95.