
This probably should be in a different category, but I find my analog friends very knowledgeable. What's the deal on these brass dish resonators or the ceiling resonators? Do these things really work? To beat all, one is a Stereophile recommended product. Makes me wonder if I should re-evaluate all that I have read in this mag. I have to say I'm very skeptical. I remember back in the '70's, there was a tweek going around that advised one to place concrete blocks on top of their amps, then there was the one that suggested to place coins on top of your speakers-very specific coins in an exact $ amount. To me, on the surface, these resonators remind of suggestions like those. I saw an add for a T.V. show in a mag, and on the stage, there was about 16 of these brass resonators on a four sided column. Wow! Maybe we should all place 12" stainless steel cubes on top of our speakers or amps, with one side painted in black and white stripes 1 inch wide and 1/2" apart-that should do the trick.
Heres a good old story that explains the phenomena, written many many years ago.

The Emperors New Clothes

Proper acoustical room treatment is money much better spent, IMHO.

As always, Good Listening

A nice review of the Tchang Acoustic Resonators by 6 Moons at:

Tiny little bowl acoustic resonators are a proven technology and have been around like forever.
There is very little value in them. Yes they do something subtle but you could get the same type of EQ effect many other ways.