VPI Traveler vs Pro-ject Xpression III?

Anyone heard these tables side by side in the same system with the same cartridge yet?

There, if you don't trust a biochemist/molecular biologist (me), then for goodness sake trust a physicist!
About biological things I trust the biologist.

About mechanical things, things of physics, I trust the physicist.
PRAT: For years I wondered what the devil folks were dreaming about with this term. It's hardly something you can put your finger on IMO. But, having perfect pitch, some tables would drive me crazy - nearly all those with servo circuits, and many belt drive. But Linn was one of the few that sounded speed stable. Then I started measuring them all. Huge differences in speed stability, like 100x from best to worst. And Linn is one of the very best.

My guess is that the PRAT they are referring to is their sensation of speed stablity they get from Linn.

Some folks don't seem to notice pitch instability at all.

I still hate the term, like I hate all "undefined, insider lingo" that cliques tend to use....usually to make individuals seem "in the know", and to elevate themselves above others that don't use the lingo, I believe.
I think the PRAT acronym speaks for itself if you listen, plus it helps having a musician / musical background.
It's all about speed stability. Making up a ridiculous acronym for something as simple as speed stability had a lot of us looking for a deeper meaning than that which is there.