Best Vibraplane Compressor Substitute?

Just bought a 20 x 24" Vibraplane to use under my TT, and am very excited.

It comes without a compressor and I wonder if there's any reason to spend a lot of money, just for 'hot air'? (couldn't resist)

Really, is there any justificaton for an expensive compressor? The bladders on the item are purported to be sound, and if they're not I will replace them myself. The compressor will only come on as needed: I can 'top off' the machine before listening and disconnect it. The VP is not going to need air during a two or three hour session, certainly.

My thought is to buy a relatively inexpensive unit, and proceed as above.

I would appreciate your suggestions, and thank you in advance for sharing your experience.


Hello David,

I have the passive model. As others have written, and as you well know, its
placement under my turntable has brought big improvements to my system,
as has the 1" X 24" X 20" steel plate ballast. (photos on
system page).

It's not that the manual filling of the air pistons is that inconvenient. Rather I
think there are three issues that should be considered: the manual filling of
the air pistons, the manual leveling of the system and the overall height of
the system. I'm fairly certain that the active unit which you just bought has
the considerable advantage of the self-leveling feature which my passive unit

I find that I check for level with a bubble level on my turntable platter before
each listening session. It's usually fine. I readjust for level and fill the
pistons manually about once every week or two. If I were to buy another unit
however, I would pay extra for the active unit. Not for the automatic air
filling, but for the self leveling feature and for the maintenance of proper
height. It is a chore to flip each of the three switches on and off to level the
system and if you release too much air, you have to refill with the pump again
to maintain the proper height, which in my case is 3 3/4 inches. IOW, the
whole system can be level, but sink down 1/4 inch over time and that effects
the sound/isolation, so the platter may be level, but you may still have to
refill the pistons to get the system back up to proper height for better

In your case, I guess you have the automatic self-leveling feature and just
need to fill it up occasionally for proper height and pressure. I would prefer
that a machine do it automatically. The compressor can be located away from
the room, so sound would not be an issue.
I use a nitrogen tank. It's a little smaller than the typical compressed air tank. I doubt mine is more than two feet tall. I will warn that getting all the appropriate pieces to get it to connect to the air platform(mine was made by Herzan) took some research, but in the end it was worth it. You may also blow through a tank learning how to set everything up correctly, but once you get past the learning curve it is imo the ideal solution.

The last time I had to refill the tank was nearly 2 years ago. The cost to fill it with N2 was ~$40 or so. The regulator and "pieces" weren't cheap but I don't remember how much. I feel like it may have been a couple hundred bucks to get everything I needed, but since then it has required nothing from me.

Everyone's environment is different though and if there were children/pets running about or I had to put it in a high traffic area of the house I think it would be unwise.