Turntable speed accuracy

There is another thread (about the NVS table) which has a subordinate discussion about turntable speed accuracy and different methods of checking. Some suggest using the Timeline laser, others use a strobe disk.

I assume everyone agrees that speed accuracy is of utmost importance. What is the best way to verify results? What is the most speed-accurate drive method? And is speed accuracy really the most important consideration for proper turntable design or are there some compromises with certain drive types that make others still viable?
Greetings from Monterey Bay.
Just watching a spinning Micro Seiki 5000 with HS-80 inertia unit and a Sutherland Timeline which' laser point is so stable, it almost burns a tiny hole in the wall.
I do agree that speed accuracy is a conditio sine qua non with any serious turntable worth feeding a really good system.
There is indeed no excuse.
I too agree that it is quite a task for most any belt driven turntable.
It is however rather easy for most any thread driven high inertia turntable as well as for most every dd or idler wheel drive.
The elastic nature of most any belt - as well as string and tape - however makes it very difficult for mot belt drive tables.
Start measuring the homogenity of a given belt supplied with a bd turntable.
I mean measuring the mechanical quality of the belt.
Ripple and width/diameter constancy.
A very good reference here are the precision belts supplied by Basis Audio.
Belt driven turntables do need more attention here than the other 3 drive principles.
Greetings from beautiful california coast,
4 German Ears for speed Tuning at Monterey Bay, California (Kuzma XL, Airline & Seiki 5000 + HS-80 Inertia unit, Thread Drive, Lyra Olympos, 2xFR-66s...)

Winner is ...

...the Owner.

welcome to the left coast. if you get up here toward Seattle please stop by.

i too have preference for DD and idler, and while i have no experience with thread/high inertia i defer to your perspective about it.

i think that speed is like noise floor; until you hear your system with lower noise, you don't realize what you were missing. until you hear your records with better speed you don't know what you are missing. and i mean your records in your system.

as one climbs the ladder of performance this type thing becomes a bigger and bigger issue.
Now D and Syntax,
That photo just needs more explaining?
Are those speakers available at Audio Connection? :^)
Dear Halcro, just a nice multi-way horn system based set-up in the beautiful Monterey Bay area.
A friend of ours we are visiting to fine-tune the system.
Besides that it is leisure, wine ( some great vintages ..) and song (music ... good music).
Followed next week by another great time in southern Texas.