td-01 chinese tonearm?

Has anyone got any info on this item. There is one for sale on ebay right now. Uses a wood tonearm shaft with a ceramic unipivot bearing with a string that seems to center or otherwise hold it in place. Interesting looking design, but I'd like to know more.
I haven't seen one either. One thing that I would be concerned about is, the stylus always has a different pull/drag on it. With that issue, the arm may move some, causing problems. Hopefully, someone like Stereophile will test one then we'll know more.
where do you think the string goes after it leaves the top of the tonearm. I assume it is attached to the ceramic ball, and that the weight of the arm holds the ball into its oil dampened socket and the string is just used to keep the arm aligned from side to side so it doesnt just fall over. But is that string tied off somewhere, and is the allen bolt on top adjustable to tighten the string?

A nice looking arm, and very simple. Just wonder how it sounds.